(March 19, 2015)I found this sticker just inside the opening of the 1966 dated ‘John Handy at the 1965 Monterey Jazz Festival’ LP cover. I bought it, second-hand, at the Broad Green Record Centre, Croydon in the 1970’s. Dave Harwood
I lived in Aberdeen Road Highbury from 1969 to 1978 and I occasionall frequented Albert's Record Shop in the Holloway Road. If I remember rightly Jimmy Jewel tenor saxophonist anda friend worked there. I frequented all the jazz record shops in London from 69 onwards- particularly Dobells, Asmans, Rays, and occasionally Dave Careys and Chris Wellards and Later Mole. I still have an LP of Lee Wiley on American RCA "A Touch Of The Blues" which I bought in Alberts. A nice shop with good stock. Comment: Robin Aitken
Best record shop in London in late 1960s. Under the counter new albums,, Disraeli Gears, Floyd, Doors and all other west coast bands for under £1.Also great blues, folk, jazz used records.Still have many albums with the sticker just inside the cover. Always jumped off the bus on the Holloway Road on way into Islington. Great memories.
Nigel Thompstone