Jerry Cronshaw
Yes..I remember the shop in Battersea Park Rd. Their bags for records were purple and white striped. On the right, as you went in, were two booths for listening to potential purchases . I last went in about 1977, I think.Vaguely..was quite a solid bloke..I seem to remember he had a big moustache..always very helpful.
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A-Z next: Bass Records
I have very fond memories of the store, my first record shop. I'm trying to track down an original copy of one of those bags..
“Get your CHRISTMAS RECORDS from BARTON & GINGELL 210 BATTERSEA PARK ROAD, Tel: MACaulay 3663. Also for BRITAIN'S TOP 50 POP RECORDS, Domestic Wiring, Radio and all General Electrical Repairs, Registered Agents for Magnavox Radio & Grams (Keith Prowse Ticket Agency).”