Name: Steve Bowen
Comment: Can you put me in touch with David Dalton (son of the owner of Dalton Records in Derby)? I was a friend and neighbour on Burton Road in the mid-1950s.
A-Z prev: Dales
A-Z next: Daly's Record & Tape Centre
“DALTON & SONS, 76, Granby Street, Leicester. TALKING MACHINE EXPERTS. Supply every make of Disc and Cylinder Instrument; Records, too, sent any distance. Agent for The Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd. Largest stock of ZONOPHONES, STERLING and EDISON BELL goods in the Midlands.”
I found an article in the ‘Derby Daily Telegraph’ dated 22nd March 1920:
“HARRY SHALSON wishes to meet YOU. This famous Brunswick Record and Broadcasting Star - now appearing at the Hippodrome - will be present in person at DALTON & SONS, 11 LONDON ROAD, on Friday and Saturday, from 3 to 5 p.m. to welcome you. He will personally autograph the record purchased.”