It used to be on a side street down the side of the rag market, theres a brief glimpse of it on the south bank show ub40 special. the main guy used to work there was a rasta chap name Ezra. You used to be able to hear the windows shaking with the bass from the bus station across the road !
I collected allot of house in the 8ts up until 92, and the place to buy that early on was Don Christies, which was always an experience for a white kid, proper record shop where they would play that weekend's new releases, and you knodded when you liked it and they flung it on your pile...Don was known for reggae and was the place for the Black community in brum. Mal C- soul source forum.
Jim Stamps august 4, 2014 at 12:37 Ladypool Rd , Sparkbrook. Used to buy my reggae records here. In the 70’s.
Loved this place it was loud, i used to get my hip hop imports from here i would spend a weeks wage on tunes easy £150 back then id come home with 10 LPs...
Alfie Gardner
Bob King
february 1, 2015 at 19:40 for more click here
The good old days before i was driving. I’d visit Don Christies in Ladypool Road to buy my reggae… always smelled of cannabis inside. Got some gems tho’…Kingston Towm by the Lord Creator & Guilty by Tiger…..still got them. Used to go to Greens records afterwards to see what new dance stuff was around…..still see John Corbett from time to time. I’d then take a stroll down the Stratford road & go in all the junk shops to see if i could find any oldies i was after…….good old times.
Had big problems getting Reggae of any description ordered here in Northampton, and Don Christie’s in Brum was the absolute place to go, the atmosphere, smell and sound were absolute Reggae heaven!!!
Alan Garner
DC Chauhan
Every Saturday morning to spend me wages …
Miss that place
Will get you Don Christie, the man at the controls,
Reggae, Bluebeat or lover's rock
Come to Don Christie, the record shop for youuuuuu..."
The BRMB jingle was something along those lines.
Don Christie for music, Saleems for curry...