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Dave Harwood
20 Oct 2024 at 10:31
I found this advert in the 'Halifax Evening Courier' dated 1st May 1986:
“GROOVE RECORDS, 1 Union Street South, Halifax. Tel.: 53834. 6,000 Oldies Stocked (Call for free catalogue), 12” Singles from £1.70; Large Indies Section (See ‘Chain with No Name’ Ads in music press) Chart Singles 7” & 12”. Ordering Service. Adjacent new Kwik Save.”
... and this advert in the 23rd April 1993 edition: “CD SALE starts Saturday, plus charts and new releases, £11.99. — Groove Records, 26 Westgate, Halifax.”
... and this piece in the 24th July 1996 edition:
“If you remember the days of vinyl records with nostalgia and long for the thrill of being able to buy a brand new album or single then Groove Records, which has shops on Westgate and Union Street South, is the place for you. The Westgate shop specialises in Indie and has a wide selection of singles and albums. The Union Street South shop is for fans of Rock but also has a large number of old vinyl singles.”



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