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I found this advert in the 'Morecambe Visitor' dated 18th April 1973:

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES. Main Agent for all leading Piano manufacturers -
also Hammond Organs, Yamaha Organs, Kentucky Organs. Visit our Piano and Organ Showrooms
Also visit our GOODWIN STREET / FOLDS ROAD Showrooms at BOLTON.”

Calling the tune for 50 years!


Dave Harwood
12 May 2024 at 03:55
I found this article (by Roger Fairhurst) in the October 2019 edition of 'Now Dig This' magazine:
"In 1958 I was sixteen and just beginning to develop a taste for the less well-known rock 'n' roll records which I heard about from friends or read about in the occasional magazine from the USA. They would sometimes be mentioned in LP sleeve notes about major artists who quoted them as influences on their music. These mysterious names fascinated me. Who made Chuck Berry want to play guitar and write songs? Who made Little Richard want to be a performer? What did these influencers sound like? I was filled with curiosity to hear the people who could inspire others to emulate them. Few, if any, records appeared in my local record shops by anyone mentioned, so I decided to find out what could be available. Chuck Berry mentioned Muddy Waters, so knowing that I was never going to hear him on the radio I headed for my local record shop Harker & Howarth in Bolton. Their main function was the sale of musical instruments and sheet music, but they also sold records, mainly classical, jazz and the current pop hits, but also occasionally dabbled in blues on the outer edges of the jazz market. Knowing that Muddy Waters had greatly influenced Chuck Berry, I enquired if they had any records by him. The answer was that although they had none in the store, there were two EP's available - one on the Vogue label and the other on London. Astonished at this reply, I pondered over whether I dared order one of them. The price of an EP was then around twelve shillings (about 60p), a considerable amount to a teenager earning about two pounds a week. Reluctantly, I decided not to take the risk of such a bold experiment, never having heard one of Muddy's records before. The kindly lady in charge of the record department said to me: 'We have an EP by Wynonie 'Mr. Blues' Harris. Would you like to listen to that?' I had already heard his 78 of 'Bloodshot Eyes' at the local palais on a Tuesday record night and loved it, so was thrilled to hear the other three tracks - 'Adam, Come Get Your Rib', Do It Again Please' and the fabulous 'Lovin' Machine'. I just had to have it. Later on I would also buy the two Muddy Waters EPs, 'Mississippi Blues' and 'Muddy Waters with Little Walter'."


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