I found this piece in the 'Belfast Chronicle' dated 4th October 1960: “HART & CHURCHILL LTD., the 148-year-old Belfast piano and music house, has been acquired by a new group which will link it with two other well-known musical concerns. The new proprietors are Mr. David Harrison, owner of the Tommy James Music Shop, 50 Castle Street and Messrs. William Davidson, founders and partners of the Irish Organ Company, 22 Albertbridge Road. The three firms will continue to operate under their own names. The take-over follows the death last February of Mr. William McClelland, principal shareholder of the business since 1919.”
… and this announcement in the 8th December 1960 edition: “HART & CHURCHILL LTD. (incorporating THE IRISH ORGAN COMPANY and THE TOMMY JAMES MUSIC SHOP) must announce that we have secured the services of Mr. T. McMurtry as manager (late RECORD DEPT. of Cranes), who shall be delighted to welcome you and give you expert advice whatever your problem in the field of music.”
… and this advert in the 1st December 1961 edition, which shows that the Tommy James Music Shop has now become David Harrison Music:
“CLASSICAL RECORDS and SHEET MUSIC DEPT. Records, Music Stands, Metronomes, Record Cases and Racks, Christmas Novelties, etc. VISIT OUR NEW POP DEPT. All the latest Records • Music on the Hit Parade. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. HART & CHURCHILL LIMITED, 22-24 WELLINGTON PLACE and DAVID HARRISON MUSIC, 50 CASTLE STREET, BELFAST.”
… and this announcement in the 8th December 1960 edition: “HART & CHURCHILL LTD. (incorporating THE IRISH ORGAN COMPANY and THE TOMMY JAMES MUSIC SHOP) must announce that we have secured the services of Mr. T. McMurtry as manager (late RECORD DEPT. of Cranes), who shall be delighted to welcome you and give you expert advice whatever your problem in the field of music.”
… and this advert in the 1st December 1961 edition, which shows that the Tommy James Music Shop has now become David Harrison Music:
“CLASSICAL RECORDS and SHEET MUSIC DEPT. Records, Music Stands, Metronomes, Record Cases and Racks, Christmas Novelties, etc. VISIT OUR NEW POP DEPT. All the latest Records • Music on the Hit Parade. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. HART & CHURCHILL LIMITED, 22-24 WELLINGTON PLACE and DAVID HARRISON MUSIC, 50 CASTLE STREET, BELFAST.”