I found this advert in the ‘Worthing Gazette’ dated 10th July 1946: “WANTED: High prices paid for symphonies, concertos, operatic, and good classics; no dance or light music. - Write or phone: H. C. Harridge, Frobisher Rd., Hornsey. (Mountview 9043)." ... and this advert in the ‘Marylebone Mercury’ dated 25th November 1949:
“Thousands of Classical and Operatic Records in stock, in perfect condition, at less than tax-free price. - H. C. Harridge, 3 Lisle St., Leicester Square, London. W.C.2.” ... and this in the ‘Streatham News’ dated 22nd September 1950:
“CHANGE of address: H. C. Harridge has now moved to 8 Moor Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.1. Gramophone Records bought, sold and exchanged. First class symphonies, concertos and operatic items at bargain prices.”
Dave Harwood
07 Dec 2023 at 02:37
I found this listing in 'The Tatler' dated 20th August 1966: “Other good places to go for classical second-hand discs are Harridges, 8 Moor Street, W1 (GER 7108) who buy up collections and review-copy records (they will not buy from individuals) and the International Collectors Agency, 20 Newport Court, WC2 (GER 8589).”
Tony Langford
15 Jan 2024 at 01:11
H. C. Harridge, 8 Moor Street, W1.
In his 1951 book, Record Collecting, Boris Semeonoff recalls visiting Harridge’s shop, in attractive new premises within sight of Cambridge Circus the second-hand stock was well classified with reasonable prices. There was a monthly 24-page list sent to Provincial customers
“Thousands of Classical and Operatic Records in stock, in perfect condition, at less than tax-free price. - H. C. Harridge, 3 Lisle St., Leicester Square, London. W.C.2.” ... and this in the ‘Streatham News’ dated 22nd September 1950:
“CHANGE of address: H. C. Harridge has now moved to 8 Moor Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.1. Gramophone Records bought, sold and exchanged. First class symphonies, concertos and operatic items at bargain prices.”
In his 1951 book, Record Collecting, Boris Semeonoff recalls visiting Harridge’s shop, in attractive new premises within sight of Cambridge Circus the second-hand stock was well classified with reasonable prices. There was a monthly 24-page list sent to Provincial customers