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I remember going into Hickies in Gloucester as a teenager and remember buying SKA 67 on the Whirl Label , it had a sound booth and the lady that ran the record department wasn’t to be messed with.
It was an all round music shop and continued under many names before it’s closure.
Rich Goddard


Dave Harwood
21 Oct 2023 at 04:16
I found this advert in the ‘Berkshire Chronicle’ dated 13th February 1914:
“HICKIE & HICKIE Ltd. 153, FRIAR STREET, READING. Telephone 1148. Entertainers, Player-Pianos, Pianos, Organs and all Musical Instruments, Sheet and Book Music. New February H.M.V. Zonophone and Cinch Records from 1/1 (double sided) to £1 each.”

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