I found this advert in the 'Wolverhampton Express & Star' dated 8th July 1966: “Visit the VOLTIC Record Browserie on the Ground Floor. A wonderful Range to choose from. A limited number of L.P. Records ot Reduced Prices! JAMES BEATTIE, VICTORIA STREET, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telephone: 20608-9.”
... and this in the 14th July 1966 edition:
“Visit the 'VOLTIC' RECORD 'BROWSERIE' (Ground Floor) and choose from their Wonderful Selection of L.P.s at Budget Prices. JAMES BEATTIE, VICTORIA STREET, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telephone: 20608-9.”
... and this in the 14th July 1966 edition:
“Visit the 'VOLTIC' RECORD 'BROWSERIE' (Ground Floor) and choose from their Wonderful Selection of L.P.s at Budget Prices. JAMES BEATTIE, VICTORIA STREET, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telephone: 20608-9.”