Jack Brentnall died in 1988 His shop ran by his wife Anne till 1999 when it closed, Anne died in 2011
Jack specialised in Classical Instruments., and when Rock Music amplification systems came in, he refused to stock the equipment, letting Fox Instruments to gain ground; and conversely for Brentnall’s to wane.....
Jacks shop in Nottingham opened initially in the 1940s Previous years in Nottingham, the shop which sold records aswell as instruments was located in Central City Street.
Ken Pearson
·May 5, 2019
I do t think the County Hotel was empty in 1968 as I remember going in there and I only moved to Mottingham in 1969. I also recall Jack Brentnall’s music shop just up the road.
Dave Harwood
24 Oct 2023 at 08:58
I found this advert in the ‘South Notts Echo’ dated 21st February 1958: “JACK BRENTNALL - Specialist in Musical Instruments, 2-4-6 GOLDSMITH STREET, NOTTINGHAM 52055 • GUITARS, Strings and Fittings. ANYONE CAN PLAY - NO PRACTICE - PRESS-BUTTON AUTO-CHORD, COMPLETE WITH CASE; DRUMS, SCHOOL RECORDERS, RECORDS - All Labels, Second-hand.”
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