I found this advert in the 'Banbury Guardian' dated 2nd June 1955:
“RECORDS! RECORDS! Hear them in OUR NEW MUSIC ROOM. The latest hits in all makes in stock. Call and hear them for yourself. John Buzzard Ltd., for Radio, Television and Electrical Goods, Sales and Service. Phone: BANBURY 2416.”
… and this piece in the 'Banbury Advertiser' dated 22nd June 1955 edition:
“GUESS THE TUNE CONTEST: Free Record Voucher from John Buzzard Record Shop.”
… and this in the 29th June 1955 edition:
“The 'Guess the Tune' contest was won by Mr. Don Chivers, his prize being a record voucher at John Buzzard’s Record Shop. A large crowd present enjoyed the many attractions and dancing to the music of Ken Prewer and his Cafe Orchestra.”
Yes, commercial T.V. is here - Geography
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A-Z next: John Caine