Then there were lots of little shops that seemd to spring up and disappear just as quickly, JR tapes on Sutton Road, a little shop that sprung up near on West Road near St Marys Church where I bought my very first LP with my paper round money, 'Relayer' by Yes. Comment: Quercusrobur.
My grandparents' shop was James Electrical, just along the parade. Used to loved going to newsagent Ken's for sweet cigarettes and Airfix. Well-fed by the British version of a burger in a bun from the cafe next to JR Tapes- straight out of Withnail. Best purchase from JR- Ashes to Ashes 7" single (should have bought all 4 covers! They were only about 85p each!) Worst (in hindsight)- Jim Davidson Live cassette- a present for my Grandad. Whoever worked there in 78-81 liked playing Dr Hook ;)
Grant Philpott
About 40 years ago before moving to Denmark to be a DJ i worked in a small record shop on Sutton Road, Southend on Sea called JR Tapes.
To complete my pension application her in Denmark i have to supply info on the places i worked in the UK.
As much as i remember JR tapes was on Sutton Road, i cannot remember the number of the shop.
Long shot, but can anybody help ?
John Taylor (2020)