Name: VanMan
Comment: Sold to Classical Longplayer mid-1980s. Farringdons bought the business along with the Canterbury store in around 2006/7 and thereafter it went downhill and closed a few years later. As Classical Longplayer the shop was one of the top classical specialist shops around.
(11 March 2014)
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... and this advert in the 14th March 1978 edition:
“THE LONGPLAYER - MARGATE'S RECORD SPECIALISTS. We take care of you better. 118 HIGH STREET. Telephone: Thanet 293477.”
... plus this in the 12th September 1978 edition:
“The Longplayer 118 HIGH ST., MARGATE. Phone 293477. FOR THE LARGEST SELECTION OF POP, JAZZ & CLASSICAL L/Ps & CASSETTES, CALL IN AND SEE US!! TOP 75 Singles Plus New Entrys in Stock every week. WE TAKE CARE OF YOU BETTER.”
... and this piece in the 27th February 1979 edition: “Now a new listening studio and hi-fi lounge is being opened in the rear of the Longplayer Record Shop at 118 High Street, Margate, to help satisfy the growing demand.”
... plus this listing in the 31st March 1998 edition:
“Classic Longplayer, 6 St Peter’s Street, Canterbury. Tel: 01 227 768888.”