Mullivans - in a small Fenland town, this shop had a misture of genres but had quite a lot of USA imports, bizarrely!! this shop closed in the 1990's. Comment:Luke Allingham
A-Z prev: Miller’s Music Shop
A-Z next: Milne & Co Gramophone Dept
“MILLVANS RECORDS - Mike Evans will cater for every musical taste at his new store in Whittlesey. OPENS MONDAY 18th MAY.
... and this feature on the same page:
MUSIC lovers in Whittlesey will no longer have to travel out of town for their records and tapes. A new shop, opening on Monday (May 18), promises to cater for all tastes from heavy metal to classical. And during the first week there will be a number of bargains to celebrate the opening. Millvans Records is at 3 Lovells Court, the new shopping precinct which has become a bustling new centre in recent months. Mike Evans (the name of the shop is an amalgam of his name and that of his fiance Veronica Miller) hopes his store will become a regular meeting place for music fans. He has combined his business experience with his love of music to set up his own store after several years of running a big record department within a large chain of newsagents. Millvans will sell cassette tapes and selected compact discs in addition to records, keeping a constant supply of Top 40 albums and Top 40 singles. Stylii and other accessories will also be available as well as blank tapes for audio and video. Whether you want American funk or Frankie Vaughan, Millvans is sure to have it. You can listen to it before you buy to check the quality. Mike’s contacts in the industry will enable him to obtain most records within 24 hours if you want something that is not already in stock. Initially, to judge public response, Millvans Records will open between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday and on Saturdays with late opening on Friday evening.”