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Name: Barry Ratcliffe
Comment: I found this shop after the passing of Mr Waxy but still stocked. I somehow managed to speak to his wife who was kind enough to look up a specific group for me and I returned a week later. Special memory.


Dave Harwood
08 Apr 2024 at 10:26
I found this piece in the 'Surrey Herald' dated 5th March 1987: “NEVER knew how well-stacked Mr Waxy’s was. At the new branch of the record shop at The Broadway, New Haw, there are orderly rows-upon-rows of non-chart vinyl: 15,000 12 inch singles 20,000 albums and 20,000 singles to be exact, though once Mr Waxy has finished stocking the figures should go up to about 250,000 singles and at least 50,000 albums. Impressive huh? There’s been a Mr Waxy’s at Guildford Street, Chertsey for eight years but uncertainty about the site’s future because of redevelopment all over the place prompted the just-in-case New Haw branch. “It’s holding its own,” said Mr Waxy “but I needed the place anyway for storage.” The records, some of which date back to the thirties but most of which are post-war to modern day, are generally at normal shop prices, though occasionally the odd collector’s item will boost profits. And, if in the unlikely event Mr Waxy’s does not have the record you are after, you are just asked to be patient, it will turn up eventually.”
... and this piece in the 'Surrey Herald' dated 25th February 1988: “IT TOOK Mr Waxy two years to find a new home for his vast stock of albums and singles. “When I moved out of the old shop my bank manager hoped it wouldn’t take my regular customers as long to find me,” said Mr Waxy, who has moved into the new premises with his wife and four kids. Ironically, when he finally moved, he ended up just a just couple of hundred yards down Guildford Street, Chertsey, number 112, right between the NatWest Bank and the fish ’n’ chippy. “Trade has been steady since the move in June but I still get people ringing up wondering where I've disappeared to,” he said. But the town centre has its benefits too. Mr Waxy has picked up quite a few more new customers since the move. “My stock's much more organised than it was before, mind you that wouldn’t be too difficult,” he admits. He’s also got a lot more room to house stock which is currently around 60,000 albums and half million singles.”
... and finally this notice in the 'Surrey Herald' dated 9th February 1989: “MR WAXY (Michael [Mick] Scott), aged 39, died suddenly on Saturday 4th February at St. Peter's Hospital, Chertsey.”



73b Guildford Street KT16 9AS Chertsey / Surrey
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