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Len Morton

In 1958 I asked my mum what she would like for her fortieth birthday. I was almost eighteen and wanted to buy her something nice. Mum said without hesitation, "I'd like a radio record player." So I set off to Payne's in Far Gosford Street. Payne's was primarily a shop that sold musical instruments, but mum told me that she had seen a nice record player in their window. When I was told that the radio record player was fifteen quid I was gobsmacked. "We can do a credit arrangement" I was told. You had to be twenty one then to take out hire purchase, so I was given a form to take home for my parents signature. Dad had a look at the HP agreement and signed the document, telling me that he would not pay a penny if I did not meet the monthly payments. I could have got one of my mates to forge my dads signature for what the salesman cared. My mum got her 'Ferguson' portable radio record player for her fortieth birthday. As I recall it cost me over eighteen pounds at the end of my 12 monthly payments. If my memory serves me right I bought her Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry as her first record. This is a similar model to our old Ferguson Radio record player, ours was in dark walnut though.

Ann Gilfillan

I had red and blue one that was in 1958 for my birthday from my dad and mum still have it .still in working order I am ñow 68 love it still.


Dave Harwood
16 Nov 2023 at 11:22
I found this address in the 'Coventry Evening Telegraph' dated 17th December 1942: “PAYNES Music Shop 6, FORD STREET (late of Jesson Street) ’Phone 2956”
… and this piece from the 10th July 1971 edition: “... Mr. Arthur Eley, managing director of H. Payne's music shop, Fairfax Street, Coventry.”
… and this piece from the 2nd May 1984 edition: “Mrs Eley and her husband Arthur ran Payne’s music shop in Fairfax Street until 1981 when the couple retired. They took over the music business from her father Harry Payne during the war and moved to a number of premises in the city over the next 40 years.”



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