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Name: Kevin Avery
Comment: Swanage, 1906... R. Klitz & Son, High Street... Gramophones, Phonographs and Records.

Name: Dave Hatchard
Comment: I still own a 1954 Bush radiogram bought by my mum for my dad as a wedding present, it can stack eight records at a time on the old Garrard record player, and the radio still works.

Dave Harwood
20 Nov 2023 at 03:16
I found this advert in the 'Dorset County Chronicle' dated 14th October 1920: “Player Pianos from 149 Guineas. Up-to-date Stock of Gramophones from 5 Guineas. Large Stock of Records & Sheet Music. R. KLITZ & SON, LYMINGTON & SWANAGE.”



High Street BH19 Swanage / Dorset
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