(July 21, 2014) Anonymous said:
Run by Piers Chalmers and Mick Turner.. Piers is still around and trading.. Mick sadly died around 2000 Rave on was a great shop.. Specialising in predominantly 50s and 60's rock and roll and soul.
( Feb 22, 2016)
This was a destination shop for rock n roll and all styles of 50s and early 60s music including rhythm n blues, soul, mod, beat and garage punk. The records were haphazardly displayed to put it mildly. Lots of rarities in the racks. Rave On was late 70s through early/mid 80s. I think it was where Curiouser and Curiouser is now. I got some great stuff in there including a nice set of Curtis Mayfield and Impressions 7"s, an Esquerita album, some Back From the Graves and other similar stuff. Great little shop that was run by two eccentric and enthusiastic rockin' gents.