Name: Dave Harwood
Comment: Seeing their advert reminded me that I bought a record token from Roberts in North End, Croydon in the early 1960s to send as a gift (there was a choice of cards and an envelope included).
Roberts had a rather unusual shop layout with an entrance in North End with an extension through to the shop unit in Tamworth Road that backed onto them. As the floor levels were different in both shops you had to walk down some steps half-way through the shop.
(24 March 2016)
Dave Harwood
13 Aug 2024 at 12:47
I found this advert in the 'Croydon Times' dated 17th January 1934: “ROBERTS – His Masters Voice Radiograms and Records • FREE DEMONSTRATIONS in your home with pleasure. H.P. from 1/- per day. ROBERTS, 143 North End, Croydon. Phone: Croydon 1773. The Oldest Established Gramophone Dealers in Gt. Britain.”
A-Z prev: Robert Morley
A-Z next: Robertson's Music Shop