Name: Steve Richards
Comment: Roundabout was a second-hand record store at the Olympia end of North End Road (W14). It was run by a middle-aged man and his wife. I spent a lot of my Saturdays in there in the mid- to late 1970s and early 1980s scouring the singles and LPs. The selection of singles was displayed using individual brown cards with the artist’s name, title, label & catalogue number which you handed to the shop owner who would search it out from the the room behind the counter. The LP covers were displayed in racks and each had a small rectangular glossy sticker with the price on it which were very hard to remove without leaving a mark. The shop also sold accessories and I foolishly thought it would be a good idea to replace all my 45rpm company sleeves with different coloured cardboard covers which I bought in packs of 25 from there!
(8 September 2014)