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Name: Richard Wasilewski
Comment: Second Fiddle in North Street was another good place in the late 1960s.

Name: Derek Gooding
Comment: I often bought my records in Second Fiddle in North Street, along with Downtown Records, Wells Music Stores, and occasionally in Stones.

For some obscure reason I remember going in there when Abbey Road was released by The Beatles, and the owner had put a stereogram in the middle of the shop floor with the album playing on it!

Name: Gary Wheele
Comment: I was two in 1967 so don't remember Second Fiddle but it's a great bit of nostalgia! Sounds Familiar was my favourite record shop, and back in the 1980s right opposite where Sounds Familiar stood was Parrot Records!


Dave Harwood
02 May 2024 at 03:26
I found this advert on page 19 of the 'Brentwood Gazette' dated 12th December 1969:
“2nd FIDDLE - Records or Tape Cassettes make an ideal Christmas Gift. Very large selection of records from which to choose a Christmas present for someone very dear. Reggae, Soul, Pop, Instrumental and Classical are among the many from which to choose. We also stock a wide range of Tape Recorder Cassettes. Call in and see us for Records or Tape Cassettes at 27 North Street, Romford (Tel: ROM 62491).”



27 North Street RM1 Romford / London
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