Name: Richard Wasilewski
Comment: Second Fiddle in North Street was another good place in the late 1960s.
Name: Derek Gooding
Comment: I often bought my records in Second Fiddle in North Street, along with Downtown Records, Wells Music Stores, and occasionally in Stones.
For some obscure reason I remember going in there when Abbey Road was released by The Beatles, and the owner had put a stereogram in the middle of the shop floor with the album playing on it!
Name: Gary Wheele
Comment: I was two in 1967 so don't remember Second Fiddle but it's a great bit of nostalgia! Sounds Familiar was my favourite record shop, and back in the 1980s right opposite where Sounds Familiar stood was Parrot Records!
A-Z prev: Second City Sounds
A-Z next: Second Hand Music Shop
“2nd FIDDLE - Records or Tape Cassettes make an ideal Christmas Gift. Very large selection of records from which to choose a Christmas present for someone very dear. Reggae, Soul, Pop, Instrumental and Classical are among the many from which to choose. We also stock a wide range of Tape Recorder Cassettes. Call in and see us for Records or Tape Cassettes at 27 North Street, Romford (Tel: ROM 62491).”