Ah Burnage! Bought lots of stuff from Sifters when I went home to Manchester, mostly cassettes and a few CDs. However, at the old shop I recall I snapped up a B.B. King album on UK HMV is splendid condition and I still have it! Comment: Tony Burke
No mention of Sifters? I sold my entire vinyl collection to them when times were hard, must have been over 500 singles...Got less for the job lot than the copy of Spiral Scratch that was in there was actually worth, but guess they had to make a living, like everyone else. Comment: orgbox
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… and this advert in the 'Manchester Evening News' dated 29th November 1989: “SIFTERS RECORDS Buy and sell new & second-hand Records, Tapes and Compact Discs. 177 Fog Lane (near Kingsway), Didsbury. Tel: 445 8697.”