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Name: Brent Cunliffe
Comment: I spent ALL my weekly income in the early 1970s on beer and records (and little much has changed over the years).

There used to be a small record shop with the fabulous listening booths above a tobacconist/cigar outlet on Yorkshire Street, Rochdale in the 1960s which may have been Spin Inn? Bought my first ever EP record from there, Georgie Fame At Last.

Name: Sue Taylor
Comment: The Spin Inn Disc - I had a holiday/Saturday job there in 1965 - I remember opening the box and seeing the Rubber Soul cover for the very first time... Did you know Rita, Norma and Roma - three beautiful women? I adored them. How lucky was I?


Dave T
16 Nov 2023 at 10:41
Was an honour and a pleasure to work there [in the] mid-eighties; I was a regular in there [and] seemed to spend many a day in there asking Kenny G for a job - finally he caved in and just being in that environment was a top buzz. Me and my pal did the graffiti piece on the wall on the way down the stairs in 1983ish. Does anybody remember it? Sadly with no phones or cameras [so I] don't think we ever got a photo done.
Dave Harwood
27 Feb 2024 at 03:04
I found this piece in the 'Manchester Evening News' dated 6th July 1973: “Sales of the premier magazine 'Blues and Soul' have leapt from 15,000 to 60,000 in under three years. The two specialist shops in Manchester are Ralph’s Records, Victoria Station and the Spin Inn on Cross Street.”
Steve P
06 Aug 2024 at 07:50
Dave T, I vaguely remember the art, but sadly as you say, there are no pictures to refresh the old memory.

I started buying there in about 1986 when I became a DJ. Kenny was a brilliant guy and really looked after me.



15 Cross Street M2 1WE City Centre / Manchester
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