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Graeme Bruce
06 Oct 2023 at 03:12
This may sound a little odd, but I am desperately hoping to find a plastic bag for (12" record size) from the old Stereo 1 shop in Paisley.
It closed about 20-25 years and i used to love buying records there as a teenager. I am desperate to know if anyone out there has a Stereo 1 plastic bag that they no longer require. It's just something that I'm really nostalgic about and i would be thrilled if anyone could help. Thanks!
Dave Harwood
02 Dec 2023 at 05:31
I found this piece in the 'Paisley Daily Express' dated 28th October 1988: “ONE of Paisley's most popular record stores is celebrating its tenth year in business. And Stereo 1 is doing it in style by moving to new premises just along the road from its present shop in Moss Street. The new location at 12-14 Old Sneddon Street looks like serving the music-loving public even better than before. For in the next few days there will be not one but TWO floors packed with merchandise at Stereo 1. And the biggest difference to record collectors will be the extensive range of used albums CDs singles and cassettes on sale. “The idea is that if an album or single has been deleted in this country then the ‘used’ section upstairs in the new shop will give the customer the opportunity to pick up that rare or long-deleted item” said the store’s owner Gordon McGinlay.”
16 Nov 2023 at 11:46
Sadly can’t help you but just wanted to join your nostalgia. It was my favourite place as a teenager.
Justin Hamilton
19 Dec 2023 at 10:42
If you go in to Morrisons petrol station in Johnstone, you'll find a man behind the counter called Brain. He managed the Stereo 1 shop in Johnstone until its closure. Maybe he kept a few old carrier bags...



12-14 Old Sneddon Street PA3 2AL Paisley / Scotland
37 High Street PA5 8AJ Johnstone / Scotland
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