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(Jan 13, 2014) Phil jessop said:This was a tiny shop just under the railway bridge & was just a general second hand shop,I used to go there about 1970/71, all their singles were second hand & all 10p each, I remember buying the "manish boys-I pity the fool single, took it home played it didn't like it & through in the dustbin, Oh dear to think now it's worth about £800.
The shop as well as all the several roads of houses & other shops were demolished about 73, theres a council depot there now.


Dave Harwood
04 Dec 2023 at 05:47
I found this advert in the 'Thanet Times' dated 18th October 1960: “BOOK & RECORD SWOP SHOP 7 Mill Lane, High Street, Margate (near Plaza Cinema). COME AND LOOK ROUND. Thousands of books and records, including vintage 78s. Books, magazines and records bought and exchanged. Open 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Daily.”
Dave Harwood
04 Dec 2023 at 06:35
I found this advert in the 'Kent & Sussex Courier' dated 24th December 1965: “THE SWOP SHOP: BUY - SELL – EXCHANGE, 106 Camden Road. Tunbridge Wells.”
… and this advert in the 'Sheerness Times Guardian' dated 5th November 1971: “RECORD PLAYERS, tape recorders, radiograms, amplifiers, guitars, T.V.'s, LP's, in fact we sell or buy almost anything. Instant cash paid and generous part exchange for any of the above mentioned articles. Telephone Sheerness 4447 between 7.30 p.m. and 10 a.m. and we will call, or call at The Swop Shop, Sittingbourne.”



7 Mill Lane, High Street Margate / Kent
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