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Tempo Records of Anlaby Road…kind of the west Hull equivalent of Regis Records in fact I suspect they were connected in some way. Comment Peter Greendale.

Run by my aunt Doreen Hayes who had a shop in Thirsk (of the same name in Finkle St) in the 60's n 70's & The Radio shop here in Easingwold. I daren't comment on her age but she's still going strong. Mainly classical stuff now but I found some Squeeze, Rush n Abba!!Also a Nick Lowe 12 inch EP What a mix. Didn't buy the Abba needless to say. She gets my vinyl in for me We need to support these little shops. Sean Hall Electratech Ltd Easingwold York.


02 Oct 2023 at 03:25
I moved to Thirsk in 1991 and Tempo records in Finkle Street was still going strong then. It lasted a few more years after that. The old lady that ran it often seemed to get the wrong records in. My friend asked her to order Anfield Rap for him and she got World In Motion instead. When he told her it is not what he asked for she declared "well it is a football song isn't it!?" in such a way that he felt compelled to buy it anyway. When Tempo closed down the only remaining record shop in Thirsk was Thirsk Audio Visual which was also on Finkle Street, a bit further down on the opposite side. They were not much good either. Serious record buyers would have to go to Apple One in Northallerton.



Finkle Street Thirsk / North Yorkshire
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