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I found this piece in the 'West London Observer' dated Friday 13th December 1957:

“RECORD SHOP USED BY FAMOUS. Do you want to use a record shop where you can rub shoulders with the famous? Well then the place for you is the Birdland Music Box, opened on Saturday by former Eric Silk's Traditional Jazz Band drummer, Stanley Lewis. Present, to wish him good luck at the opening, were many famous personalities of the music world. They included two of his best friends. Ken Sykora of the B.B.C. 'Guitar Club' and pianist Dill Jones of B.B.C. 'Jazz Club' fame. It was Dill Jones who cut the tape at the opening ceremony. Mr. Lewis has one of the biggest stocks of jazz and popular records in West London at his shop, which is at 166 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush. He also has a tremendous range of musical instruments, especially guitars. Is Mr. Lewis retiring from playing now? Not likely, he told me. I'm still playing gigs around the town and shortly I shall be forming my own club trio.”

… and I also found this listing on page 7 of the 'Daily Herald' dated 1st May 1958:

“S.W.12.—THE BIRDLAND MUSIC BOX, 166, Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush. Tel.: Shepherds Bush 0126.” Dave Harwood (2024)




Next in London: The Bop Shop
Prev in London: The B.H. Trading Co