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Name: Dave Harwood
Comment: I couldn’t believe my luck when The Vinyl Resting Place opened just around the corner from where I lived. The shop was absolutely crammed with records in custom-built racks and boxes in every nook and cranny. Rare record sleeves were hanging from the ceiling and I spent hours browsing in there. Highlights for me were finding a mint stereo copy of Walter Wanderley’s Cheganca on Verve and buying all the CCS 45s on the RAK label at a discounted price! I got to know the couple that ran it and, after it closed, often spoke to them in the high street as they still lived locally.
(10 March 2016)


Dave Harwood
12 Dec 2023 at 03:38
I found this advertorial in the 'Croydon Post' dated 9th July 1997: “The Vinyl Resting Place offers an amazing selection of seven and 12 inch singles making it a DJ’s paradise. The range is extensive covering 40s - 90s music with lots for the listener. They also stock a range collectable film soundtracks and other albums, along with a small selection of CDs, books and cassettes. Old and new Elvis memorabilia is also available - The shop is well organised and the staff are friendly and ready to offer any help or advice you require. If they haven’t got something you require in stock then they will try to find it for you. Discounts are available as is mail order. For further details phone 0181-656 3350.”
… and this advert on the same page:
“THE VINYL RESTING PLACE. Vinyl LP’s, 7in & 12in singles, CD’s, Videos & Cassettes BOUGHT & SOLD, 40’s – 90’s. Major soul & Rock selection. Music for all tastes. Books & Memorabilia. Tel: 0181 656 3350. 70 Shirley Rd., CROYDON.”



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