Name: Scott Clark
Comment: This shop was - and probably still is - run by a guy called Dave Morgan. It was mainly a second-hand place that would get new releases in that he knew there was a market for, or you could order records. It's still there amazingly and I presume is still the same, cold but with great treasure within its racks.
Dave Harwood
09 Apr 2024 at 01:26
I found this advert in the 'Wolverhampton Express & Star' dated 18th February 1982: “RECORDS WANTED - 50's, 60's, 70's, good condition only, top prices paid, will collect, large collections - Telephone 764694 evenings or bring them to Time Machine Records, 19 Queen Street, Wolverhampton.”
A-Z prev: Time Is Right
A-Z next: Time Machine Records