I found this classified advert in the 'Mansfield & Sutton Recorder' dated 26th May 1983: “RECORDS WANTED!! All types, any quantity, cash waiting. Call in at Vinyl Mania, 40 White Hart Street, Mansfield. Tel. 654366.”
… and this advert in the 28th May 1987 edition: “WE WANT YOUR RECORDS & CASSETTES. BEST PRICES PAID. Call or Phone: VINYL MANIA, 40 WHITE HART STREET, MANSFIELD. TEL: 654366.”
… and this advert in the 28th May 1987 edition: “WE WANT YOUR RECORDS & CASSETTES. BEST PRICES PAID. Call or Phone: VINYL MANIA, 40 WHITE HART STREET, MANSFIELD. TEL: 654366.”